mardi 13 mars 2012

♥ Happy Moments! ♥

Sometimes I feel down, not in the mood.
The weather sucks.
I dont get along with my family and it pisses me off.
I feel like my voice is not heard.
I feel like people judge me too much.
I feel like I havent accomplished half of what I'm supposed to accomplish right now.
I miss someone too much. Or I hate someone too much.
Sometimes, everything goes wrong. Anything I touch breaks.
Sometimes I feel lost, like I don't know where I am going with my life, what are my goals, what are the things I should be doing right now....

Sometimes I feel really sad. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

But, whenever I feel that way, I make sure to remember that Happiness is not that difficult to feel or to find. And it's a shame half of people I know don't believe in that.

I try to remember the never-ending list of things that make me feel happy.

If you are feeling down right now, this will help you put a smile on that long face! 

1-Falling in love.
2-Finishing your last finale.
3-Waking up and finding out you still have hours left to sleep.
4-Seeing old friends again and feeling like nothing has changed!
5-Touching the small fingers of a baby born.
6-Getting a phone call from someone you really miss.
7-Looking at someone you love  and finding out he/she is looking at you.
8-Walking alone at night somewhere calm and nice and remembering your happiest memories.
9-Knowing there is someone looking after you.
10-Finding out your parents are really proud of you.
11-Finding money in your old jeans pocket.

 If you are smiling right now make sure you remember those special moments that never cost a penny, and if you feel like my list isn't complete, make sure you add your own special Happy Moment in a comment  ;)

dimanche 4 mars 2012

Adieu Facebook...!

So today I have decided to quit facebook.

I have been hacked more than once, and it just is not worth it anymore.

Each time I'm away from my laptop, I'm thinking as soon as I get home I'll write this and this in my blog, I'll take care of my blog, I'll watch this documentary, I'll learn how to cook this, I'll look up for some beautiful music, I'll read this novel online.... But when I get home, first thing I go is login facebook, and check up my messages and then someone starts chatting with me, and then comes another one, and it never ends, until it's time to sleep, or to go out.
So I end up wasting time on nothing important. Time I could've used to do something more important and fun.

I'm sure if you are a facebook addict like me you'd understand.

So Yes, It's time Facebook, you took so much of my life, but I dont hate you, because in return you gave me the best thing that could happen to me, you gave me Love, so we're cool hehe. But it's time to say Adieu my friend.

P.S: I'm thinking maybe about Twitter....

Lulu <3

jeudi 1 mars 2012

So my friend bought me a nice chic black skirt, and I just loooooove it so much, it's for our final project presentation, and wearing chic and elegant is a MUST for this kind of presentation. And it's so chic, it's so elegant, and I feel really sexy in it, I wonder how I'm gonna feel when i wear heels with it, and I was so excited to show it to mom and my sister, but they just didn't like it! My family is a little conservative, my dad  never approves to me wearing tight clothes, or mini-skirts, and I get that, I actually never do that, not for them but because I like keeping it simple and I hate showing too much skin. But this is about a really important presentation, it's the key to have my freaking diploma!!!! I wont be stripping or anything. The skirt is tight but it's really elegant and beautiful and I'm totally in love with it. Mom just said if I like it it's alright but she doesnt like it as mch as I do and that just makes me sad :'( Argh!

Aloha! I dyed my hair!

My hair is naturally dark brown, and few months ago I dyed it to a lighter brown and with the burning sun we have in town even during winter, it got lighter and lighter color, almost like blond highlight. So I went and bought Chocolate Brown from Koleston, and the result was completly different especially at my dark roots! it went from brown to black in the roots, and from blond highlights to darker highlights pffft haha it looks funny, like me, and I like it anyway! :D

jeudi 23 février 2012

Sometimes you just quit !

This lyrics may not be about the topic I'm writing about, but the music is very sweet and I think it goes with the post. Just play it while reading me :) 

We all had chances to be great, to shine, to accomplish something big. Some of us just do it, and others are scared to get out of their comfort zone. 

Have you ever been afraid of greatness? Because I am. Constantly. Every second of the day. I'm afraid of accomplishment. it's something I'm not used to. Accomplishment, Greatness, Success, Happiness, ... 

Maybe you didn't get what I want you to understand. I'll give you an example.

Whenever I feel like it I go lock myself in an empty room, away from people and start playing Guitar and Singing. Once, some kids were chilling and playing guitar and they asked me if I played and I said Yes, they asked me to play something for them and I did. And at that moment it was the first time I played in front of actual people, while I played I tried to see people's faces, I was so scared, I was shaking...and then they claped and they said I was good, it felt so Amazing! I loved it, but it was scary....

 But when I had to sing, it was even more scarier. Nobody ever said to me I had a voice, cause nobody had a chance to listen to it, all I knew is that I loved to use it. So I just closed my eyes and tried to do my best. When I opened them, people were smiling and enjoying it. It felt even better than the first time. 
Even though it made me happy, I still was scared to death, and I just run away. 

I tried to be brave, and some friends of mine convinced me to go up the stage with them, but as we hadnt much time to rehearse, I felt I wasn't prepared for that, even though I wanted it so badly, I just left in the last minute, I went home and tried to forget about it. 

Now, I still play to myself. But never in front of people. I guess I'm scared to fail, or worse, to be Great. 

It's playing music in front of people, or just starting a blog that I never maintain, starting an activity that I quit after some months, starting writing a novel that I forget about with time, learning a language and quitting it, starting to pray more often and then  just stop... and the list goes on!

There, I said it, I'm a Quitter! A Big One!

But it shouldn't be that way...right?

lundi 20 février 2012

I miss you!

I miss you.
 I wish I could see you everyday. Have breakfast together, then I study while you work, you call me at 10' to check up on me, or say you miss me already, or that you'd rather be with me that moment even though we'll eat lunch together, I dont care if you have money and that you can eat in a fancy restaurant, I'll be starving so any cheap place would be fine for me. We'll go see the beach and have Ice Cream, and at 2 we'll respectively return to our boring lives. Then at night we'll go out somewhere nice and calm, and I'll never get over your beautiful smile, your strong dreamy voice, your hands, your cologne, your messy sexy hair, your stare, your touch, your hug...You. We'll lay down in the sand and stare at the moon, while the salted air cuddles us and the soft waves sang for us, for our reunion, our love. We'll get lost in each others' souls. No, that would not a dream. Study and work would be unreal. Cause Reality would be spending time with you, be inseparable, completly out of our minds...
No wait! That's not true. that's still a dream...Oh Boy, I'm hallucinating again! Need to go take my pills !

But for now, we're doing fine, not perfect, not a fairytale, but it's good, it's getting better and better. We talk to each other Twice a day, noon and night , chat or videochat. Once a month or 2 months we see each other in real life, which is way better than my stupid laptop screen...

Oh dear lord, give us strenght. This Long Distance Relationship is driving me craaazyyyyyy ! I gotta admit you gave me the best version of my soul mate that could possibly exist in this universe. So thank you! I really appreciate it. 

I may be crazy, but not lunatic. I'm a Lulu, gotta love the Lulu! Dont try to understand it, it's a feeling. Just flow with it. 
   Be a Lulu like me ;) ! 

I miss you.